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3 Tips to Pivot in Everyday Life

What happens when you get a flat tire on the way to your kid's recital? Get laid off? Find yourself in the ER the week before a big pitch? With how much we plan our days, weeks, and even our years, even the slightest unexpected glitch in our plans can completely derail the schedules we make for ourselves. So how do we manage crises when even the most thoughtfully laid out plans unravel? While I can't give you a solve-all formula, I hope these tips will help the next time your day goes awry!

1. DON'T PANIC! Panicking might feel good in the moment, but there are better ways to express your emotions than by causing a scene. Rather, if you need to vent out some steam, find a more solution-oriented path for your emotions to flow. You can try talking out the situation (which can be very helpful for steps 2 &3) with someone or even with yourself. Stop and take a moment to breathe and assess the situation. Having a logical mind is always going to get you farther than an emotionally-driven mindset in this moment. Remember, everyone has been in these types of situations before! You can handle this!

2. Focus on what's inside the box! So what does that even mean?? Most people are going to tell you to think outside the box, but that's all well and good when you have time to think and aren't having a ciris on your hands, right?! So instead of thinking outside the box for new ideas, try thinking INSIDE the box- because inside the box is what you CAN control! Don't think about what you can't control or what ideas you need to have but don't have at this moment. Stop and think of what is in your scope to handle, control and take on. At the end of the day, you're only going to make a real impact on what is controllable anyhow. Freaking out about what you can't control isn't going to help!

3. Take on what you can control one action step at a time. Spreading yourself too thin won't get you very far in terms of results. Rather, focus on the next move you need to make in order to proceed with handling the situation you're in. Remember, even baby steps can get you somewhere!

Keep Dreaming,


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