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A Day In The Life Of A VA

24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. That's all there is to encapsulate a day. When you take out sleeping, eating, and for some of us, commuting, there really isn't too much time left to spend working and being with family. For me, it's all one in the same. When you live where you work, it's like you're always "on". Always being a mom, always being a business owner, always being a wife. It's a lot, so today we're going to talk about how I manage to be everything, do everything, and set boundaries so I'm not getting burnt out!

My overall day as a mom and wife is centered around "family comes first". We'll have school first, then once the hubby gets home I transform from mommy to business owner!

My main tasks that are handled daily consist of morning email check-ins to make sure there is nothing that needs my undivided attention for the day. I'll make sure the boys are set for their online school courses, then lunch, and then it's back to emails. I am constantly learning, so I try to squeeze in some professional development or virtual assistant training for myself before spending time with my boys over dinner and getting them settled in for the nightly routine of teeth brushing, clothes changing and bedtime stories before bed. Once all is quiet in the house, it's back to work! This is the time when I put out my best work, so I tend to get a lot of work completed before heading to bed myself.

Honestly, juggling being a mom, teacher, wife, friend, and business owner is not easy, but I have my calendar (it's literally my best friend right now) ready for the next day and I write down EVERYTHING for the week so nothing falls through the cracks!

With 2020 being the year of fluctuating schedules, I am honest and upfront with my clients and set expectations for them. If business hours need to change, I always let them know ahead of time. Most of them work full time also, so evenings work best for everyone right now.

They say the days are long but the years are short, but for me the day flies by! With so much to do and never enough time, I power through each day, always making sure I'm just a little bit better than I was the day before.

Keep Dreaming,


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