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Email is DEAD

What happens when social media is gone? All those followers you worked so hard to get are just gone!

That's why email is still strong and if you haven't jumped onto that boat then here is your chance! But first we need to get subscribers?! That's where these tips will help you increase your subscribers in no time.

CREATE A VALUABLE FREEBIE... Yes, we all know what this is and if you don't, it is a piece of valuable content such as a free guide, checklist, ebook, etc. that allows you to pull your ideal clients into your email marketing software so that you can serve/sale them better.

DEDICATE A LANDING PAGE ON YOUR WEBSITE...This allows your ideals clients to land on your website and "take a look" at what you have to offer. WIN WIN.

PROMTE IN FACEBOOK GROUPS AND EMAIL SIGNATURE ... share what you have to offer in your Facebook groups. Make sure you are active in these groups so that they get to know you and trust you. Use your email signature a a great place to show case your FREEBIE.

There you have it! Three steps tips that will get you in the right direction of gaining those new subscribers!

Keep Dreaming,


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